{Project} No-Cast: Organic pig production 2014 -without castration. [Økologisk svineproduktion 2014 - uden kastration.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Jensen, Bent Borg.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Organic pork is a clear alternative to conventional pork because organic pig production, with outdoor access and roughage, is quite different. The low market share (1 %) for organic pork provides a promising development potential. Consumer expectation for a natural product means that a stop for castration could provide new marketing possibilities. A recent pilot study on production of entire males on commercial organic farms indicates that the proportion of organic produced entire male pigs with boar taint is so high that it is a major barrier for a marked orientated growth in organic pig production. In this project we develop a management concept for future organic pig production without castration, with a documented low level of entire male pigs with a high level of skatol and androstenone in back fat and therefore a minimum risk for boar taint. The risk of boar taint can be reduced by feeding the right feeds in the right combination. The best feed rations are selected based on their ability to minimize boar taint and tested for consequences for productivity, nutrient utilization and natural disease resistance. Subsequently the best feeding is combined with the best decisions concerning, pig weight when taken from pasture, group size and grouping strategy and slaughter weight and the concept is tested for the overall effect on skatole and androstenone level in male pig. The consequences for economy and working conditions are demonstrated for farmers and citizens.
Summary translation
Økologisk svinekød er et klart alternativ til konventionelt svinekød fordi økologisk svineproduktion med adgang til ude arealer og grovfoder er markant anderledes. Med en markedsandel på kun 1 % har økologisk svineproduktion et stort udviklingspotentiale. Forbrugernes forventning om et naturligt produkt betyder at et ophør med kastrering af hangrise vil give nye markedsføringsmuligheder. Pilotstudier viser, imidlertid, at andelen af økologisk producerede hangrise med ornelugt er så stor at det er en væsentligste barriere for en markedsbaseret vækst i økologisk svineproduktion. I dette projekt udvikler vi et helhedsorienteret management koncept for fremtidens økologiske svineproduktion uden kastrering. Projektet leverer et koncept med et dokumenteret lavt niveau af hangrise med et for højt niveau af skatole og androstenon i spækket og dermed en minimal risiko for ornelugt. Risikoen for ornelugt kan reduceres ved fodring med de rigtige fodermidler i den rette fodersammensætning. De bedste fodringsrationer udvælges ud fra deres evne til minimering af ornelugt og vurderes kritisk for konsekvenser for produktivitet, miljøbelastning og grisenes modstandskraft mod smitte. Herefter kombineres de bedste foderstrategier med de mest effektive og ornelugtsminimerende valg af: vægt ved indsættelse fra friland, gruppestørrelse og grupperingsmetode og slagtevægt. De samlede konsekvenser for økonomien og arbejdsglæden demonstreres overfor økologiske landmænd og borgere.
EPrint Type: | Project description |
Keywords: | Boartaint, salmonella, parasits, feeding, production systems |
Subjects: | Farming Systems > Farm economics Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Farming Systems > Social aspects Animal husbandry > Production systems > Pigs |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > NO-CAST |
Acronym: | No-Cast |
Project ID: | 3405-10-OP-000134 |
Start Date: | 1 January 2011 |
End Date: | 31 December 2013 |
Deposited By: | Hansen, Grethe |
ID Code: | 19614 |
Deposited On: | 03 Nov 2011 13:36 |
Last Modified: | 05 Dec 2011 15:05 |
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