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New market perspectives using herbs and berries in organic meat products

{Project} BERRYMEAT: New market perspectives using herbs and berries in organic meat products. [Nye markedsmuligheder med krydderier og bær i økologiske kødprodukter.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Hansen, Flemming, The Danish Technological Institute - DMRI .

[thumbnail of BerryMeat_application.pdf]
PDF - Submitted Version - English

Document available online at: http://www.icrofs.org/Pages/Research/organicrdd_berrymeat.html

Summary in the original language of the document

The aim of the project is to extend the range of organic meat products by introducing new interesting flavour variants. The novelty is to utilize herbs and berries for biological preservation and to provide the products with a new and interesting flavour profile and appearance. The project is consumerdriven as MAPP will study how ecological consumers relate to a new preservation technology in the form of berries and herbs. They will also study how the consumers relate to the new products by evaluations and when buying the products. Among Danish berries and herbs, AU-IHP will select and produce the cultivars which are to be screened at DMRI for anti-microbial activity and favourable flavour characteristics in meat products. Furthermore, AU-IHP will optimize cultivation and storage conditions, preserving the desired characteristics after harvest in the best possible way. DMRI will combine the selected berries and herbs to obtain the best result. The work includes an investigation of how berries and herbs should be added to the meat products and it must be clarified how different raw materials and meat processing affect the anti-microbial activity. The results from DMRI will be validated at test productions at the two participating plants. Finally, we will document that the selected berries and herbs can guarantee food safety and favourable eating quality throughout the entire shelf-life. Economic estimates for total production costs will be made.

Summary translation

Målet er at udvide produktsortimentet af økologiske kødprodukter med nye spændende smagsvarianter. Nyhedsværdien er at udnytte urter og bær både til en biologisk konservering samt til at give produkterne en ny og spændende smagsprofil og udseende. Projektet er forbrugerdrevent, idet MAPP skal undersøge, hvordan økologiske forbrugere forholder sig til ny konserveringsteknologi i form af bær og urter, samt undersøge hvordan de forholder sig til de nye produkter både ved bedømmelser og i købssituationer. Blandt danske bær og urter skal AU-IHP udvælge og producere de sorter, der på DMRI skal screenes for antimikrobiel aktivitet og gode smagsegenskaber i kødprodukter. AU-IHP skal endvidere arbejde med at optimere dyrknings- og lagringsforhold, så de ønskede egenskaber bevares bedst muligt efter høst. DMRI skal kombinere de udvalgte bær og urter så det bedste resultat opnås. Herunder skal det undersøges, hvordan bær og urter skal tilsættes kødprodukterne og det skal klarlægges, hvordan forskellige råvarer og forædlingsprocesser påvirker den antimikrobielle aktivitet. Resultaterne fra DMRI skal løbende valideres ved prøveproduktioner på de to deltagende virksomheder. Som afslutning vil det blive dokumenteret om de udvalgte bær og urter kan garantere fødevaresikkerhed og god spisekvalitet i hele holdbarhedsperioden. Der foretages økonomiske vurderinger af de samlede produktionsomkostninger.

EPrint Type:Project description
Location:Maglegårdsvej 2
4000 Roskilde
Keywords:Berries, herbs, safety, meat products, low-salt
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Values, standards and certification > Assessment of impacts and risks
Food systems > Processing, packaging and transportation
Food systems > Markets and trade
Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues
Crop husbandry > Production systems > Fruit and berries
Values, standards and certification > Evaluation of inputs
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 1 > BERRYMEAT
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > AU, DJF - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Denmark > Other organizations Denmark
Related Links:http://www.icrofs.dk/Sider/Forskning/organiccrdd_berrymeat.html
Project ID:3405-10-OP-00144
Start Date:1 January 2011
End Date:31 December 2013
Deposited By: Rasmussen, Ilse
ID Code:19603
Deposited On:03 Nov 2011 13:44
Last Modified:03 Nov 2011 13:44

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