Larsen, Villy J. (2011) ”Sammenligning af tre danske økologiske fiskeopdrætsanlæg – med fokus på fordele og ulemper ved forskellige anlægsudformninger, driftsmetoder etc. (2007 – 2010)”. [Comparison of three danish organic fish farms with specific reference to advantages and disadvantages using different methodologies (2007 - 2010).] .
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Summary in the original language of the document
Gennem projektperioden (2007 – 2010) blev der løbende indsamlet informationer fra tre danske økologiske dambrug med henblik på sammenligning af tre økologiske fiskeopdrætsanlæg – med fokus på fordele og ulemper ved forskellige anlægsudformninger, driftsmetoder etc. Formålet med gennemførelse af disse ”case stories” var at blotlægge, hvor de særlige forskelle i anlæg og drift hos de tre anlæg i praksis kunne findes – og hvordan de har udviklet sig over tid gennem projektforløbet. Flere af de tilpasninger af anlæg og drift på de enkelte anlæg som er gennemført på deltagerdambrugerne, har i flere tilfælde ”dannet skole” og inspiration på nye danske økologiske fiskeopdrætsanlæg. Ved projektets afslutning kunne det konstateres, at økologisk fiskeopdræt i praksis fortsat har kunnet gennemføres efter gældende regelsæt (BEK114 og BEK115) på alle tre dambrug. De største problemstillinger ved fortsat økologisk drift af de tre dambrug vurderes ifølge ejerne at være: - fortsat usikkerhed omkring optimal behandling af syge fisk med færre medikamenter – og særligt i tilfælde af fiskesygdomme, som ikke normalt findes på de pågældende økologiske dambrug, men som kendes fra andre danske dambrug - fortsat behov for forskning og udvikling af afværgelse af skadevoldende vildt (især odderangreb) under økologisk akvakulturproduktion - ny opgave med tilpasning af eksisterende økologiske dambrug til nyt EU regelsæt (max. 25 kg/m3) – og dermed fokus på ekstensiv produktion i anlæg, drift, produktionsplanlægning mv.
- afsætningen af danske økologiske fiskeopdrætsprodukter er fortsat ustabil og der er stort behov for udvikling heraf - sikring af bedst egnet avlsmateriale til økologisk produktion - arbejde med nye krav til videst mulig anvendelse af grøn vedvarende energi i forbindelse med den økologiske produktion.
Summary translation
During the project period (2007 - 2010), information was gathered on a regular basis from three Danish organic fish farms for the purpose of comparing three organic fish farming facilities - with focus on advantages and disadvantages of different fish farm designs, operating methods, etc. The purpose of these three case stories was to illustrate where the particular differences in the design and operations of these facilities existed – and how they had developed during the project period. Several of the adaptations of designs and operating methods of the individual facilities that were made by the participating fish farms are often used as "models" and inspiration for new Danish organic fish farming facilities. At the completion of the project, it was evident that organic fish farming was still feasible in practice according to the current rules (BEK114 and BEK115) at all three fish farms. According to the owners, the largest problems of continued organic operation of the three fish farms are: – continued uncertainty regarding optimum treatment of sick fish with less medication – particularly in relation to diseases that do not normally exist at these organic fish farms, but which are known from other Danish fish farms – continued need for research and development of prevention of harmful wildlife (particular attack by otters) in connection with organic aquaculture production – new tasks of adapting existing organic fish farms to new EU regulations (max. 25 kg/m3) – and the related focus on extensive production in facilities, operation, production planning, etc. – sale of Danish organic fish farming products is still unstable and this really needs to be further developed – securing the best breeding material for organic production – dealing with new requirements concerning the widest possible use of green renewable energy in connection with the organic production.
EPrint Type: | Report |
Keywords: | Organic rainbow trout, case study,organic farming, feed |
Subjects: | Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Food systems > Markets and trade Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture "Organics" in general > Countries and regions > Denmark Values, standards and certification > Regulation |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > ORAQUA - Organic fish production Denmark > DTU - Technical University of Denmark |
Deposited By: | Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred |
ID Code: | 18478 |
Deposited On: | 25 Mar 2011 08:30 |
Last Modified: | 25 Mar 2011 08:30 |
Document Language: | Danish/Dansk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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