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Økologisk Fiskeproduktion

Jokumsen, Alfred (2010) Økologisk Fiskeproduktion. [Organic Fish Production.] .

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PDF - Presentation - Danish/Dansk

Summary in the original language of the document

Forsøgsdiæterne viste ingen signifikante forskelle i forhold til kontrol diæten mht.:
Specifik vækstrate, SGR ≈ 1,8 %/dag
Foderkvotient, FK ≈ 0,8 (kg foder/kg tilvækst)
Kun mindre variationer i fordøjeligheden af protein og fedt
Men i diæter med højst inklusion af planteprotein:
Signifikante forskelle i fordøjelighed af kulhydrater og fosfor (P) i f.h.t. til kontroldiæten
Højere udskillelse af N. Kan skyldes aminosyre ubalance og afbrænding af aminosyrer
Begrænset P-tilgængelighed (fytin-bundet)

Summary translation

The experimental diets did not show significant differences in relation to the control diet as:
Specific growth rate, SGR ≈ 1,8 %/day
Feed quotiont, FQ ≈ 0,8 (kg feed/kg gain)
However, for experimental diets with highest inclusion of plant protein:
Significant differences in digestibility of carbohydrate and phosphrus (P) in comparison to the control diet.
Higher discharge of N.
Limited P-availability (phytic bound)

EPrint Type:Other
Keywords:Organic trout, plantprotein, fishmeal, fishoil,feed
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Values, standards and certification > Consumer issues
Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
Knowledge management > Research methodology and philosophy
Values, standards and certification > Evaluation of inputs
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > ORAQUA - Organic fish production
Denmark > DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:18389
Deposited On:09 Mar 2011 08:51
Last Modified:27 Jul 2012 07:38
Document Language:Danish/Dansk
Additional Publishing Information:Presentation at ICROFS Formidlingsdag, 4.10.2010, Horsens, Denmark

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