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Fodringsforsøg på Skravad Mølle Dambrug: Vækst og foderudnyttelse hos økologiske regnbueørreder fodret med 2 typer fiskefoder til økologisk opdræt

Jokumsen, Alfred and Larsen, Villy Juul (2010) Fodringsforsøg på Skravad Mølle Dambrug: Vækst og foderudnyttelse hos økologiske regnbueørreder fodret med 2 typer fiskefoder til økologisk opdræt. [Feed experiments at Skravad Mølle Fishfarm: Growth and feed utilization in Organic rainbow trout fed 2 types of fish feed.] .

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PDF - Danish/Dansk

Summary in the original language of the document

Et fodringsforsøg blev udført på Skravad Mølle Dambrug, Møldrup, Denmark. Formålet var at undersøge 2 forsøgsfodertyper under kommersielle forhold på økologiske dambrug. Med de 2 diæter undersøgtes effekten af at reducere inklusionen af fiskekmel fra 59% til 35% på vækst og sundhedstilstand hos økologiske regnbueørreder under kommersiel produktion.
Mens kontrol diæten kun indeholdt fiskemel og fiskeolie som protein og oliekilde var fiskemelsandelen reduceret fra 59 til 35 % og erstattet med en matrix af hestebønner, ærter og raps i forholdet 1:1:0.7).
Førsøget viste en 10 % reduktion i vækst og foderkonvertering hos fisk fodret med forsøgsdiæten, hvor fiskemelet var delvist erstatet med planteprotein i sammenligning med kontroldiæten. Resultaterne skal imidlertid tages med forbehold, da det af praktiske årsager kun var muligt at anvende 1 dam, pr. fodertype.

Summary translation

A feed experiment was carried out at Skravad Mølle Trout farm, Møldrup, Denmark. The aim was to investigate two experimental diets under commercial conditions in organic trout farms. The two diets investigated the effect of reducing the inclusion of fish meal from 59 % to 35 % on the growth performance and health conditions of organic trout during commercial production.
The basic diet included only fish meal and fish oil as protein and oil source, respectively. In the experimental diet the inclusion of fish meal was reduced from 59 to 35 % and replaced by a matrix of horse bean, pea and rape (ratio: 1:1:0.7).
The experiment showed a 10 % reduction in growth and feed conversion in fish fed the experimental diet in which the fishmeal had been partially replaced by organic vegetable protein sources compared to the fishmeal based diet. However, the results shall be taken with reservations as the conditions in the farm only allowed one pond per diet.

EPrint Type:Report
Keywords:Organic rainbow trout, feed, pea, rape,horsebean, growth, feed utilization
Subjects: Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions > Denmark
Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > ORAQUA - Organic fish production
Denmark > DTU - Technical University of Denmark
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:18213
Deposited On:18 Jan 2011 10:34
Last Modified:18 Jan 2011 10:34
Document Language:Danish/Dansk
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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