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Organic Farming Support Payments in the EU

Schwarz, Gerald; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Sanders, Jürn (Eds.) (2010) Organic Farming Support Payments in the EU. Landbauforschung Sonderheft , no. 339. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI ), D-Hamburg.

[thumbnail of Sonderheft]
PDF - English (Sonderheft)

Document available online at: http://www.vti.bund.de/fileadmin/dam_uploads/vTI/Publikationen/Landbauforschung_Sonderhefte/lbf_sh339.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

The project was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and aims to provide an overview of the organic support scheme in the EU in the current programme period. More specifically, the overview provides detailed information on the implementation of the organic support payments in EU Member States and their regions, including payment design, eligibility and management requirements, certification support, and aspects in relation to scheme access, planned payment changes and possible combinations with other agri-environment measures. The report is aimed at policy-makers, stakeholders and scientists with an interest in organic farming and related policies. The report covers 24 Member States. Cyprus and Malta have been excluded due to their negligible area of organic farming and no data could be obtained from Romania. In addition, the report includes a detailed regional coverage of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. The data on the organic support payments have been collated through a survey of relevant organisations in each Member State in 2009 and early 2010. In addition, data available from published rural development programmes and other online sources were used to obtain additional information on the organic support payments in the previous and current programme periods.

EPrint Type:Book
Keywords:Sozioökonomie, Agrarpolitik, Förderung, Landbauforschung
Subjects: Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Society > Agri-food policy
Germany > Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries - VTI > Institute of Market Analysis and Agricultural Trade Policy
Related Links:http://www.vti.bund.de/fileadmin/dam_uploads/vTI/Publikationen/Landbauforschung_Sonderhefte/lbf_sh339.pdf, http://www.vti.bund.de/no_cache/de/startseite/vti-publikationen/landbauforschung-sonderhefte/landbauforschung-sonderheft-detailseite/Bestellartikel/organic-farming-support-payments-in-the-eu-2010-2.html?type=98
Deposited By: Sanders, Jürn
ID Code:18013
Deposited On:17 Nov 2010 14:19
Last Modified:16 Feb 2022 10:40
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed
Additional Publishing Information:vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research Special Issue

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