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Product-Carbon-Footprint von Lebensmitteln in Österreich: biologisch und konventionell im Vergleich

Theurl, M.C.; Markut, T.; Hörtenhuber, S. and Lindenthal, T. (2011) Product-Carbon-Footprint von Lebensmitteln in Österreich: biologisch und konventionell im Vergleich. [Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Organic and Conventional Foodstuffs in Austria.] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011.

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PDF - Accepted Version - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

The aim of this broad conceived study was to analyse greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) of more than 130 foodstuffs from two organic agricultural production methods (Organic premium brand and Organic EU-standard) as compared to conventional farming in Austria. The system boundaries of the life-cycle study ranged from agriculture and its upstream supply chain to the retailer, including changes in soil organic carbon (humus) and land use change. In conclusion, all organic products in both organic methods showed lower GHGE per hectare but also per kg of foodstuff than comparable, conventional products. Therefore, the product carbon footprint (PCF) of organic products was lower throughout the implemented study. Organic dairy products resulted in 10 to 21 % lower CO2-eq per kg of product than conventional foodstuffs, organic wheat bread showed 22 to 25 %, bread products 34 to 42% and organic vegetables 10 to 35 % lower CO2-eq per kg of product. Furthermore, this detailed calculation throughout the whole value chain pointed out “hot spots” of CO2-eq-emissions for producers and retailers with existing GHG reducing potentials.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:organic farming, foodstuff, retailer, LCA, GHG, PCF
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Environmental aspects
Research affiliation:Austria > FiBL Austria
Austria > Univ. BOKU Wien > Sustainable Agr. Systems - NUWI
International Conferences > 2011: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture
Related Links:http://www.wissenschaftstagung.de/, http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=735&suche=11.%20wissenschaftstagung&fb_id=s
Deposited By: Theurl, Michaela C.
ID Code:17632
Deposited On:01 Jun 2011 16:07
Last Modified:01 Jun 2011 16:07
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsbandes der 11. Wissenschaftstagung erschienen.
Leithold, G.; Becker, K.; Brock, C.; Fischinger, S.; Spiegel, A.-K.; Spory, K.; Wilbois, K.-P. und Williges, U. (Hrsg.) (2011):
Es geht ums Ganze: Forschen im Dialog von Wissenschaft und Praxis
Beiträge zur 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011
Band 1: Boden, Pflanze, Umwelt, Lebensmittel und Produktqualität
Band 2: Tierproduktion, Sozioökonomie
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.
Der Tagungsband kann über den Verlag Dr. Köster bezogen werden; siehe: http://verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=735&fb_id=37

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