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Alternatives for the Production of Forage Protein

Bramm, Andreas; Böhm, Herwart; Pahlow, Günter and Berk, Andreas (2006) Alternatives for the Production of Forage Protein. In: van Santen, E. and Hill, G.D. (Eds.) Mexico, where old and new world lupins meet - Proceeding of the 11th International Lupin Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand, pp. 209-213.

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Summary in the original language of the document

The aim of the investigation is the provision of home-grown high-protein feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. Field trials with special attention to mixed cropping of lupines with spring cereals and of other legumes for grain production as well as for ensiling as whole crop were carried out in 2004 at two sites in northern Germany: At Braunschweig (conventional farming) and at Trenthorst, close to the Baltic Sea (organic farming). At Braunschweig, with blue lupine varieties grain yields between 29 and 44 dt DM/ha were achieved by sole cropping. In mixed cropping with field peas and spring cereals blue lupines revealed poor competitiveness with yield rates just between 20% and 32% of total grain yield. The only exception was the mixed cropping with rye, were a rate of 55% was achieved. At Trenthorst blue lupine varieties with 34 to 39 dt/ha grain yield were far superior to white (10 to 13 dt/ha) as well as yellow lupines (0,4 dt/ha). In mixed cropping with field pea the blue lupines were highly competitive in contrast to field beans and barley. The results followed the same pattern as in Braunschweig, however on a lower level.
For the utilization by ruminants whole crop lupines, preferably grown with a companion crop such as barley, can be preserved by ensiling (Panciera et al., 2003). The rather high DM-content of the grain crop compensates for possible risks of effluent run-off from a less mature legume partner. Simultaneously the ensilability of the lupine is improved by providing additional fermentable carbohydrates in the mixture.
The contents of ME for growing cattle, pigs and poultry as well as the Net Energy for Lactation (NEL) were calculated. For lupine varieties and their mixtures with spring cereals the NEL is comparable to that of soy bean meal. Irrespective of their approximately by 10% lower protein content lupines can well be used even in higher proportions in rations for dairy cows because of their relatively high energy content. The feeding value of lupines compared to soy oil meal indeed is characterized by lower protein content, but with their relatively high energy content they can be inserted with higher portions in the ration.

EPrint Type:Book chapter
Keywords:Lupines, mixed intercropping, organic farming, whole crop silage, feed energy value
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop combinations and interactions
Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: Germany > Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries - VTI > Institute of Organic Farming - OEL
Germany > Federal Research Institute of Animal Health - FLI > Institute of Animal Nutrition
Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute for Crop and Soil Science
Deposited By: Böhm, Dr. Herwart
ID Code:16541
Deposited On:14 Dec 2009 11:27
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:42
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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