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Green house gas (GHG) emissions from Danish bioethanol production and choice of biomass raw materials

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Petersson, Anneli; van Maarschalkerweerd, Christian; Nielsen, Lars Henrik; Thomsen, Anne Belinda and Jensen, Erik Steen (2007) Green house gas (GHG) emissions from Danish bioethanol production and choice of biomass raw materials. Speech at: NJF 23rd Congress 2007: Trends and perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, 26-29 June, 2007.

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Summary in the original language of the document

It is very much debated whether bioethanol is a sustainable energy resource that can offer environmental and long-term economic advantages over fossil fuels, like gasoline or die-sel. From the present first generation bioethanol technology focusing on starch (from grain) fermentation GHG savings are only modest. The Danish Integrated Biomass Utili-sation System (IBUS) has developed both first generation and second generation princi-pal bioethanol technologies characterised by integration with an existing coal-fired Com-bined Heat and Power (CBH) plant.
To secure that bioenergy is produced from local adapted raw materials with limited use of non-renewable fossil fuels there is a need for integrating the biomass starting point into the energy manufacturing steps. Substitution of fossil fuels by crop biomass requires the right selection of plant species according not only to chemical quality for efficient con-version but also to secure the development of ecologically benign farming system includ-ing biomass for energy.
The aim of the present study was to question how to optimise GHG savings for bioetha-nol production using the IBUS technology.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Speech
Keywords:biomass for energy, green house gas emissions, bioethanol
Subjects: Environmental aspects
Crop husbandry > Greenhouses and coverings
Environmental aspects > Air and water emissions
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > BIOCONCENS - Biomass and bio-energy production in organic agriculture
Deposited By: Hauggaard-Nielsen, Senior Scientist, phD, Cand. agro Henrik
ID Code:16234
Deposited On:24 Sep 2009 10:06
Last Modified:05 Nov 2021 13:27
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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