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Mineraler i græsmarker – betydningen af artsvalg og høsttidspunkt

Søegaard, Karen; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Sehested, Jakob (2009) Mineraler i græsmarker – betydningen af artsvalg og høsttidspunkt. ICROFsNyt 2, 2009, pp. 6-7.

[thumbnail of ICROFsnyt_2_2009_mineraler.pdf]
PDF - Danish/Dansk

Document available online at: http://www.icrofs.dk/pdf/icrofsnyt/2009_2.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Der er stor forskel på mineralsammensætningen i forskellige græsmarksarter, og forskellen er meget større end det, der kan opnås ved at ændre høsttidspunktet. Mineralprofilen i den enkelte art bliver næsten ikke påvirket af jordtypen. En bedre styret mineralsammensætning forventes derfor mulig i fremtiden.

Summary translation

The mineral composition differ highly between grassland species, and the differences are conciderably higher than, what can be obtained by changing the harvest time. The mineral profile in the single species is nearly not affected by the soil type. A better management concerning the mineral composition in the herbage is therefore expected in the future.

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Keywords:Grassland species, mineral composition
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Pasture and forage crops
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > ECOVIT - Improved health in organic milk production
Deposited By: Søegaard, Senior scientist Karen
ID Code:16129
Deposited On:17 Sep 2009 13:34
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:40
Document Language:Danish/Dansk

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