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Natural sources of antioxidants – a necessity for animal health and welfare and product quality in organic livestock production

{Project} NatVit: Natural sources of antioxidants – a necessity for animal health and welfare and product quality in organic livestock production. Runs 2009 - 2012. Project Leader(s): Steinshamn, Håvard; Rebours, Celine; Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Thuen, Erling; Abrahamsen, Roger K; Larsen, Hans Jørgen and Krogh Jensen, Søren, Bioforsk .

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Summary in the original language of the document

Main objective: Replace synthetic antioxidants (vitamins) with natural sources in feed supplements
Sub goals:
1.Investigate Northern macroalgae sources: species, alfa-tocopherol content and anti-oxidative activity
2.Evaluate the effects of antioxidants from natural vitamin supplements on the oxidative stability of dairy cow milk and milk products
3.Evaluate the effects of antioxidants from natural vitamin supplements on the gastrointestinal microbiota and the immunology in ruminants
Fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin E, are important for ruminants in respect to maintain an optimal immune function, reproduction traits and a high quality of milk and meat. In organic production it is important to find alternatives to synthetic vitamins, as vitamin E (tocopherol). Synthetic vitamin E consists of 87.5 % tocopherol molecules with a non-natural configuration and biological ineffective. Thus, the possibility for supplying with natural vitamins or antioxidants easy to handle will be of great importance for organic farmers. In the present project we will screen seaweed species for their content of alfa-tocopherol and their anti-oxidative activity in order to find potential new natural feed additive sources. The effects of seaweed meal and natural vitamin E supplement on the dairy cow milk content of alpha-tocopherol, oxidative stability of milk and sour/cultured cream, and immunology and gastrointestinal micro biota in sheep and their off-springs will be tested experimentally in two feeding experiments with dairy cow
and sheep, respectively.

Summary translation

Feittløyselege vitamin, slik som E vitamin, er viktige for drøvtyggjarane for å halde vedlike optimal immunfunksjon, for fertilitet og for å sikre høg kvalitet av mjølke- og kjøttprodukt. I økologisk produksjon er det viktig å finne alternativ til syntetiske vitamin, som E vitamin (tokoferol). I syntestisk E vitamin har 87,5 % av molekylene ein ikkje-naturleg konfigurasjon og er lite effektiv biologisk. Det er såleis viktig for den økologiske gardbrukaren å finne naturlege vitamin- og antoksidantkjelder som er enkle å handtere. I det omsøkte prosjektet skal ulike tang- og tareartar granskast for innhald av alfa-tokoferol og deira antioksidative aktivitet for å finne moglege nye fôrtilskot. I eit forsøk med mjølkeku, skal effekten av tilskot av tangmjøl og naturleg E vitamin på innhald av alfa-tokoferol i mjølka og den oksidative stabiliteten hos fersk mjølk og rømme granskast. I eit anna forsøk skal effekten av dei same forsøksfaktorane, tilskot av tangmjøl og naturleg E vitamin, på immunologi og bakteriefloraen i mage og tarm hos sau og lamma deira testast.

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:macroalgea, vitamin E, sheep, dairy cow, milk quality, animal welfare, immunology, bacteriology, NatVit
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Aquaculture
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Sheep and goats
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research > Bioforsk Arctic Agriculture and Land Use Division
Norway > NVH - Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
Norway > NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > AU, DJF - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research > Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming Division
Research funders: Norway > RCN - Research Council of Norway > Norsk mat fra sjø og land (MATPROGRAMMET)
Start Date:1 January 2009
End Date:31 December 2012
Deposited By: Steinshamn, Dr Håvard
ID Code:15353
Deposited On:04 Mar 2009
Last Modified:04 Jul 2011 14:22

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