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Optimierung von Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln mit Wirkung gegen Flugbrand an Gerste und Weizen (Ustilago nuda, U. tritici) unter Nutzung verbesserter Verfahren zum Nachweis der Erreger (Verbundvorhaben)

{Project} Flugbrand: Optimierung von Saatgutbehandlungsmitteln mit Wirkung gegen Flugbrand an Gerste und Weizen (Ustilago nuda, U. tritici) unter Nutzung verbesserter Verfahren zum Nachweis der Erreger (Verbundvorhaben). [Optimisation of seed treatments with activity against loose smut of barley and wheat (Ustilago nuda, U. tritici).] Runs 2008 - 2011. Project Leader(s): Koch, Dr. Eckhard, Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), D-Darmstadt .

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Document available online at: http://www.bundesprogramm-oekolandbau.de/fkz=06OE349

Summary in the original language of the document

Das hier beschriebene Projekt ist Teil eines Verbundvorhabens, das folgende Teilprojekte umfasst: FKZ 06OE349, FKZ 06OE341.
Im Projekt sollen Saatgutbehandlungsmittel zur Bekämpfung von Flugbrand an Gerste, Weizen und Hafer entwickelt werden. Aus Vorgängerprojekten vorhandene Ansätze sollen aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt werden mit dem Ziel der nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Wirksamkeit. Zusätzlich sollen weitere Agenzien untersucht / entwickelt werden. Die Wirksamkeit der erarbeiteten Mittel soll in Feldversuchen charakterisiert werden.
Angaben zur Finanzierung des Projekts finden Sie im Förderkatalog des Bundes unter http://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/StartAction.do. Bitte geben Sie in das Suchfeld eine 28 plus das Förderkennzeichen (FKZ) des BÖL-Projektes ein, z.B. 2808OE212 für das BÖL-Projekt mit der FKZ 08OE212.

Summary translation

The loose smuts of cereals are of great economic importance in organic farming. This is particularly true for barley and wheat loose smut (Ustilago nuda and U. tritici) which survive as a resting mycelium in the embryo of the caryopsis and are therefore difficult to reach by control measures. Hot water treatment can control loose smut, but has various disadvantages and is therefore hardly used in the practice. The aim of the project is the identification and development of agents of natural origin that effectively control the loose smut pathogen when applied as a seed treatment and can be used in organic farming.
A prerequisite for successful work with the embryo-infecting loose smuts is the availability of highly infected seed lots. Such seeds will be produced by artificial inoculation of the florets. In laboratory tests, culture filtrates of microorganisms and extracts of various plants will be screened for ability to prevent germination of the teliospores of Ustilago. Candidates with proven in vitro activity will be tested in small plot field trials using U. nuda on winter and spring barley and U. tritici on winter wheat. Where feasible, extraction and formulation of the agents will include the use of ethanol that in previous projects showed activity against loose smut, particularly against U. nuda on spring barley and U. avenae on spring oats. Selected seed treatments will be tested in replicated field trials at two different locations.
Under natural conditions, the level of seed infection by U. nuda or U. tritici is seldom higher than 10 %. Floret inoculation is an effective, but very labour intensive and expensive method. Therefore, one aim of the project is to develop inoculation methods that allow the production of highly infected seed lots in the field. The techniques to be tested will include repeated applications of spores, use of pre-germinated spores and application of spores together with agents that promote spore germination.
Methods to detect the loose smut pathogen in seed and seedling tissue will be developed and optimised. In these experiments, the fungal mycelium will be diagnosed by light microscopy, immunology (ELISA) and PCR. The aim is the development of a method that allows the rapid identification of effective seed treatments in greenhouse tests.

EPrint Type:Project description
Location:Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
Institut für Biologischen Pflanzenschutz
Heinrichstraße 243
D-64287 Darmstadt
Keywords:Flugbrand, Saatgutbehandlung, FKZ 06OE349, BÖL, BOEL, FKZ 06OE341
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Plants > Pflanzenschutz
Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute for Biological Control
Research funders: Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL
Germany > Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food - BLE
Related Links:http://www.bundesprogramm-oekolandbau.de, http://www.bundesprogramm.de/fkz=06OE349, http://orgprints.org/perl/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=06OE349&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen, http://foerderportal.bund.de/foekat/jsp/StartAction.do, http://www.bundesprogramm.de/fkz=06OE341, http://orgprints.org/perl/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=06OE341&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen
Project ID:FKZ 06OE349
Start Date:1 November 2008
End Date:30 September 2011
Deposited By: Koch, Dr. Eckhard
ID Code:15092
Deposited On:07 Jan 2009
Last Modified:15 Mar 2010 06:33

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