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Fruchtresistenz von Tomaten gegen P. infestans

Butz, Andreas F. and Finckh, Maria R. (2009) Fruchtresistenz von Tomaten gegen P. infestans. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

[thumbnail of Butz_14341.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

Resistance of tomato fruits to Phytophthora infestans
Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary, is one of the important
diseases in organic potato and tomato production. While some information on foliar
disease resistance of tomatoes is available, virtually no information exists on the
relation of leaf to fruit resistance.
The central parameters of the infection chain, incubation and latency period were
determined for 40 tomato varieties using three isolates of P. infestans. A total of 2858
fruits were drop inoculated in the lab and assessed daily for symptoms or sporulation
for 16 days.
There were significant variety by isolate interactions for incubation period, latency
period and the interim time suggesting race specific interactions with tomato fruits. A
Manteltest showed that the distance matrix of the isolate x variety interaction of leaf
and fruit reactions were not correlated. Thus, it appears that fruit and leaf resistance
are independent characters.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Latenzzeit, Inkubationsperiode, rassenspezifische Resistenz
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Production systems > Vegetables
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > Pflanze und Boden > Gemüsebau / Sonderkulturen
International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > Pflanze und Boden > Pflanzengesundheit
Related Links:http://www.wissenschaftstagung.de/, http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37
Deposited By: Butz, Dr. Andreas Friedrich
ID Code:14341
Deposited On:15 Apr 2009
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:37
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 10. Wissenschaftagung erschienen:
Mayer, J.; Alföldi, T.; Leiber, F.; Dubois, D.; Fried, P.; Heckendorn, F.; Hillmann, E.; Klocke, P.; Lüscher, A.; Riedel, S.; Stolze, M.; Strasser, F.; van der Heijden, M. and Willer, H., (Hrsg.) (2009) Werte – Wege – Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel. Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.
Band 1: Boden, Pflanzenbau, Agrartechnik, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Biolandbau international, Wissensmanagement
Band 2: Tierhaltung, Agrarpolitik und Betriebswirtschaft, Märkte und Lebensmittel.
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.
Der Tagungsband kann beim Verlag Dr. Köster bezogen werden; siehe http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37

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