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Acrylamid-Bildungspotenzial ökologisch erzeugter Getreidearten und Sorten

Stockmann, Falko; Mast, Benjamin; Graeff, Dr. Simone and Claupein, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (2009) Acrylamid-Bildungspotenzial ökologisch erzeugter Getreidearten und Sorten. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

[thumbnail of Stockmann_14336.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch


By heating up carbohydrate-rich food, like cereals and potatoes, Acrylamide (AA), a
probably carcinogen food ingredient, will be created due to a reaction of free Asparagine
(Asn) and reducing sugar within the Maillard-Reaction. Up to now two opportunities
to decrease AA are discussed. Firstly by changing technological food processing
steps e.g. receipt modifications and secondly by plant production e.g. finding species
and cultivars low in the content of precursors of AA. For cereals, free Asn is the limiting
factor for formation of AA. By investigations of conventionally produced wheat-,
spelt- and rye samples differences were found in the amount of Asn both in species
and cultivars. It was assumed that these differences could also be found in organically
produced cereals. However, up to now no study has investigated the AA content of
organically produced cereals. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate
i) are there species and cultivars low in free Asn And, ii) is there a correlation
between the content of free Asn and the formed AA? To clarify these aspects, organically
produced grain samples (mainly wheat, spelt and rye) of a 2-yr field trial were
analysed of free Asn and the AA-Formation Potential (AA-FP). The results showed
differences in the content of free Asn within species and cultivars, indicated by a
strong correlation between Asn and the AA-FP. In conclusion, an option for reducing
AA in organic products could be the selection of species and cultivars low in free Asn.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:acrylamide, asparagine, cultivars, species, organic farming
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > Lebensmittel
International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > Lebensmittel > Lebensmittelqualität
International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture
Related Links:http://www.wissenschaftstagung.de/, http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37
Deposited By: Stockmann, M. Sc. Falko
ID Code:14336
Deposited On:15 Apr 2009
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:37
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 10. Wissenschaftagung erschienen:
Mayer, J.; Alföldi, T.; Leiber, F.; Dubois, D.; Fried, P.; Heckendorn, F.; Hillmann, E.; Klocke, P.; Lüscher, A.; Riedel, S.; Stolze, M.; Strasser, F.; van der Heijden, M. and Willer, H., (Hrsg.) (2009) Werte – Wege – Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel. Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.
Band 1: Boden, Pflanzenbau, Agrartechnik, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Biolandbau international, Wissensmanagement
Band 2: Tierhaltung, Agrarpolitik und Betriebswirtschaft, Märkte und Lebensmittel.
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.
Der Tagungsband kann beim Verlag Dr. Köster bezogen werden; siehe http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37

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