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Mechanische Unkrautregulierung in der Saatreihe von Soja

Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Herzog, Christine; Hunziker, Hans-Ruedi and Scherrer, Caroline (2009) Mechanische Unkrautregulierung in der Saatreihe von Soja. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

[thumbnail of Hiltbrunner_14313.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

Organic cropping of soya beans mainly depends on the successful control of weeds.
Hoeing in between the crop rows can be effective but the mechanical control of weeds
within the crop row is difficult. Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of
three machines and two combinations thereof to control two model weeds seeded
directly in the crop row of soya bean. Reduction of the soil cover (%) in the crop row
was evaluated after the means were applied and compared to the control treatment
(hoeing between the crop rows).
Results of two experiments conducted in 2007 and 2008 show that soil cover of
companion plants within the crop row can be reduced up to 70 % when compared to
the control treatment. Before best treatments can be recommended for the farmers,
large-scale tests have to be conducted in order to improve the use of these means to
keep the impact on the main crop as low as possible.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Soja, Glycine max L., Ökolandbau, Begleitflora, Unkrautregulierung
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2009: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > Weitere Themen > Agrartechnik
Related Links:http://www.wissenschaftstagung.de/, http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37
Deposited By: Hiltbrunner, Jürg
ID Code:14313
Deposited On:15 Apr 2009
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:37
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 10. Wissenschaftagung erschienen:
Mayer, J.; Alföldi, T.; Leiber, F.; Dubois, D.; Fried, P.; Heckendorn, F.; Hillmann, E.; Klocke, P.; Lüscher, A.; Riedel, S.; Stolze, M.; Strasser, F.; van der Heijden, M. and Willer, H., (Hrsg.) (2009) Werte – Wege – Wirkungen: Biolandbau im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ernährungssicherung, Markt und Klimawandel. Beiträge zur 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.
Band 1: Boden, Pflanzenbau, Agrartechnik, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Biolandbau international, Wissensmanagement
Band 2: Tierhaltung, Agrarpolitik und Betriebswirtschaft, Märkte und Lebensmittel.
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.
Der Tagungsband kann beim Verlag Dr. Köster bezogen werden; siehe http://www.verlag-koester.de/buch.php?id=645&start=0&fb_id=37

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