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Agronomic performance of annual self-reseeding legumes and their self-establishment potential in the Apulia region of Italy

Driouech, Noureddin; Abou Fayad, Fady; Ghanem, Ala'a and Al-Bitar, Lina (2008) Agronomic performance of annual self-reseeding legumes and their self-establishment potential in the Apulia region of Italy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Summary in the original language of the document

The agronomic performance, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) ability and self-establishment potential of seven species of annual self-reseeding legumes were investigated in Apulia region, Italy. For the first cropping cycle (2005-2006) preliminary results showed that Trifolium spp. performed better than Medicago spp. Among the seven species, five were more suitable to the site’s conditions. T. angustifolium and M. polymorpha gave the best results. T. angustifolium fixed 131.7 kg ha-1 year of nitrogen (15N isotope dilution method), produced 1976 kg ha-1 of seeds and 8.7 t ha-1 of dry matter (DM). M. radiata and M. rigidula were the less performing. During the second cropping cycle (2006-2007) results showed that Trifolium spp. self-established better than Medigaco spp. Regenerated species appeared to sustain optimum level of BNF. Again T. angustifolium was the best performing species producing the highest DM (7.7 t ha-1) and fixing nitrogen (146.7 kg) N ha-1 symbiotically. In contrast, M. polymorpha, was the less performing (0.3 t ha-1 of DM and 11.5 kg ha1 of BNF) while M. rigidula and M. radiata did not regenerate. Given the overall performance of all species, it was determined that T. angustifolium had the greatest potential for further development in this environment.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:annual self-reseeding legumes, Trifolium spp., Medicago spp., biological nitrogen fixation, Mediterranean region
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Pasture and forage crops
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2008: IFOAM OWC: Research Track / ISOFAR > 2.3 Arable crop production
Deposited By: Dr. Driouech, Noureddin Ph.D
ID Code:12276
Deposited On:09 Oct 2008
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:36
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:This paper is published in the conference proceedings:
Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alfldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lck, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hgh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga, Eds. (2008) .Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 . 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy.. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. http://orgprints.org/13672 and http://orgprints.org/13674

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