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Element composition and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Biweri), grown with sheep-manure composts

Radics, László; Pusztai, Péter; Bíró, Borbála; Bíró, Zsolt; Németh, Tamás and Monori, István (2008) Element composition and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Biweri), grown with sheep-manure composts. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Two representative Hungarian soil-types (slightly humus sandy and loamy saline) were used to study the effect of various compost-products, made from sheep-yard manure and phosphorous amendments on the biomass-production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Biweri) in a pot-experiment. Two types of phosphorous amendments, such as raw-phosphate with high- or a phosphorous rock with low solubility were used as amendments during the twelve-week composting process. Pots of five-hundred g weight were used and considering the ecophysiological demand of the lettuce, low (30 t/ha) optimum (60 t/ha) and provocative (120 t/ha) levels of manure compost were applied to the soils. Yield of lettuce and mineral content analysis were done by ICP and soil-analysis by TVG. Statistical differences were shown (LSD5%) following ANOVA. An increasing yield of lettuce was recorded simultaneously by the compost doses up to the provocative level at both soil-types. Effect of composts was found to be the best at the low-fertility sandy soil with slight humus content. Among the compost-types, the low-releasing-phosphorous-rock was the most appropriate also on the sandy soil. Summarizing the results, sheep-manure-composts could be the prospective amendments for the low-fertility soils.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:compost, manure, phosphorus, nitrogen, lettuce
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Composting and manuring
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2008: IFOAM OWC: Research Track / ISOFAR > 2.2 Nutrient management
Deposited By: Pusztai, Mr. Péter
ID Code:12264
Deposited On:02 Oct 2008
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:36
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:This paper is published in the conference proceedings:
Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alfldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lck, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hgh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga, Eds. (2008) .Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 . 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy.. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. http://orgprints.org/13672 and http://orgprints.org/13674

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