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Control of docks (Rumex spp.) in organic fodder production - a true bottleneck in organic farmed branded dairy and meat products

{Project} Control of docks: Control of docks (Rumex spp.) in organic fodder production - a true bottleneck in organic farmed branded dairy and meat products. [Kontroll av høymole (Rumex spp.) i økologisk forproduksjon - en flaskehals ved økologisk melke- og kjøttproduksjon.] Runs 2006 - 2010. Project Leader(s): Brandsæter, Lars Olav; Lunnan, Tor; Haugland, Espen; Netland, Jan; Hatcher, Paul and Koesling, Matthias, Bioforsk, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research .

[thumbnail of Project_DOCK_infestation_26april_06.pdf] PDF - English

Document available online at: http://www.bioforsk.no/ViewPPP.aspx?view=project&id=801&ViewLanguage=English

Summary in the original language of the document

Control of dock species are a true bottleneck in the development of grassland based organic production in Norway. Rumex obtusifolius, Rumex crispus and Rumex longifolius are among the most important perennial weeds in grassland areas throughout the world. These docks are undesirable in grasslands because they decrease yields and reduce forage feeding value. Numerous farmers feel powerlessness regarding how to manage the Rumex problem. Some farmers continue conventionally farming instead of organic, although they generally are motivated for transferring to organic production, due to the dock problem. The main goal of the project is a high quality and stable production of regional branded dairy and meat products based on fodder from grassland with non-chemical control of docks. This is to be achieved through knowledge on important factors that influence severity of dock infestation, studies on weak growth stages of docks, evaluation of biological control of docks and a synthesis of various measures to control these weeds. The return of the efforts of the project is increased organic production of meat and dairy products.

Summary translation

Hovedmålet for prosjektet er å sikre en stor og stabil produksjon av økologisk melk og kjøtt i Norge. For å sikre dette trenger vi mer kunnskap om høymolas biologi og økologi som et grunnlag for å utvikle effektive ikke-kjemiske bekjempingstiltak. Internasjonalt har det vært jobbet lite med den dominerende høymolearten vi har i Norge, vanlig høymole, og det vil derfor være et sentralt punkt i prosjektet å sammenligne de tre artene som alle finnes her. Prosjektet vil omfatte studier av variasjon innefor høymoleart (økotyper), svake punkter i biologien som bonden kan utnytte, evaluering av biologisk kontroll ved hjelp av sopp og insekt.

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:Organic farming, grassland, perennial weeds, docks, Rumex obtusifolius, R. crispus, R. longifolius
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research > Bioforsk Plant Health and Protection Division
Research funders: Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research
Norway > RCN - Research Council of Norway
Norway > Other organizations Norway
Acronym:Control of docks
Project ID:1110243
Start Date:1 January 2006
End Date:31 December 2010
Deposited By: Koesling, Matthias
ID Code:11045
Deposited On:23 Jul 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:35

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