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Areal- og naturbasert næringsutvikling (AREAL)

{Programme} RCN-AREAL: Areal- og naturbasert næringsutvikling (AREAL). [Area and nature-based industrial development - the AREA programme.] Runs 2005 - 2011. Programme Leader(s): Værnes, Trond.

[thumbnail of Area_programme,_english.pdf] PDF - English

Document available online at: http://www.forskningsradet.no/areal

Summary in the original language of the document

AREAL-programmet skal gi ny kunnskap som kan bidra til næringsutvikling basert på bærekraftig bruk av norske areal- og naturressurser.Arealbasert næringsliv og myndigheter innenfor fiskeri og havbruk, landbruk (jordbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk) og reindrift er de viktigste målgruppene for programmet. I tillegg er reiselivet en målgruppe.Programmet startet opp i april 2005 og avsluttes i 2011. Budsjettforslaget for 2006 er 39,5 mill kroner (med nullvekst) og 58,5 mill kroner (vekstforslag).AREAL-programmet har to hovedinnretninger. For det første skal det utvikle kunnskap til støtte for areal- og naturbasert næringsutvikling og bidra til innovasjoner. Mangfold og konkurransedyktighet i hele verdikjeden er et viktig mål. Satsingen skal gi økte muligheter for lønnsomme vare- og tjenesteproduksjoner - ikke minst gjennom fokusering på kostnader - som alternativ til de tradisjonelle volumproduksjonene i bygde- og kystsamfunnene. Programmet omfatter ikke næringsutvikling knyttet til mat, som ligger i det nye matprogrammet og i Havbruksprogrammet, heller ikke næringsutvikling knyttet til tre, som ligger i Fellessatsingen TRE. For det andre skal programmet utvikle kunnskap til støtte for næringspolitikk, handelspolitikk, arealpolitikk og tilhørende offentlig virkemiddelbruk innenfor fiskeri, havbruk, reindrift og landbruk.
Kontaktperson Trond Værnes, trv@forskningsradet.no

Summary translation

The programme primarily focuses on knowledge production to support industrial
development based on sustainable use of area resources. The primary target groups of the
programme are area-based trade and industry and public authorities in fisheries and
aquaculture, agriculture (land farming, horticulture and forestry) and reindeer breeding. The tourist and travel industry is an additional target group under the programme.
The programme has two principal objectives: Firstly, the programme is to develop knowledge to support area-based and nature-based industrial development and contribute to innovations aimed at achieving increased knowledge, diversity and competitiveness throughout the value chain. The initiatives under the programme are first and foremost intended to contribute to increasing the possibilities of profitable production of goods and services – not least by focusing on costs – as an alternative to the traditional volume productions used in rural and coastal communities. The programme does not comprise industrial development connected with food production, which comes under the Food Programme and the Aquaculture Programme. Nor does the programme comprise industrial development connected with wood production, which comes under the Wood Programme.
Secondly, the programme is to develop knowledge to support industrial policy, trade policy,area policy and related use of public instruments in fisheries, aquaculture, reindeer breeding and agriculture. In connection with the implementation of this part of the programme, the planning group proposes that a separate reference group be set up with members from the public administration and trade and industry to support the work of the Programme Committee.There will be a need to define responsibilities, co-operation and co-ordination within several theme areas, concurrently with the possibilities for synergies across the different programmes being stimulated. In addition, forums should be created for trade and industry, the public administration and the research communities to support the development of several of the central research themes under the programme.
Contact person Trond Værnes, trv@rcn.no

EPrint Type:Research Programme description
Part or Full Programme:Full programme
Keywords:RCN-AREAL, RCN, research council, NFR, Norges forskningsråd,RCN-AREAL
Subjects: Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
Food systems > Community development
Environmental aspects > Landscape and recreation
Environmental aspects > Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Research funders: Norway > RCN - Research Council of Norway
Related Links:http://www.forskningsradet.no/areal
Start Date:1 April 2005
End Date:31 December 2011
Deposited By: Løes, Anne-Kristin
ID Code:10702
Deposited On:23 Jul 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:35

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