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Globalization and sustainable development: a political ecology strategy to realize ecological justice

Byrne, John; Glover, Leigh and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2006) Globalization and sustainable development: a political ecology strategy to realize ecological justice. In: Halberg, Niels; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Kristensen, Erik Steen (Eds.) Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. CABI Publishing, chapter 2, pp. 49-74.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Organic agriculture is, like mainstream agriculture, faced with the challenges of globalization and sustainable development. Ecological justice, the fair distribution of livelihoods and environments, has emerged as a key concept in efforts, on the one hand, to resist negative consequences of globalization and ecological modernization and, on the other to propose new agenda and institutional arrangements. This chapter investigates the role that ecological justice as a political ecology strategy may have in addressing the present problems of organic agriculture in a global political economy. The investigation has two interacting elements, a theoretical analysis of the political, economic and ecological aspects of ecological justice and a discussion of how its key concepts can be put into practice. The political basis of ecological justice is the idea of shared responsibility for livelihoods and environments, or what we have termed commons-based governance. Typically, ecological justice positions social and ecological interests ahead of market liberalism and economic growth. Therefore it may suggest ways to resist the pressures of globalization and associated structural and technological developments. The concepts of commons and ecological justice when joined, define a post-globalist pattern of governance that may facilitate the spread of organic agriculture and other socio-ecological practices that thrive on cooperative, sustainability-focused relations.

EPrint Type:Book chapter
Subjects: Food systems
Values, standards and certification
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF II (2000-2005) > V.1 (SYNERGY) Coordination and synergy
Related Links:http://ecowiki.org/GlobalPerspective/HomePage
Deposited By: Hansen, Grethe
ID Code:10344
Deposited On:09 Jan 2007
Last Modified:29 Aug 2022 08:29
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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