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Strategies for enhanced microbial safety of organic fermented sausages and herbal ingredients

{Project} Safefoodferment: Strategies for enhanced microbial safety of organic fermented sausages and herbal ingredients. Runs 2006 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Heir, Dr Even, Norwegian Food Research Institute (Matforsk) .

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Summary in the original language of the document

Produce fermented organic sausages and herbal, fermentation extracts with enhanced microbial safety.
1. Document the quality and microbial safety of organic fermented sausages and perform analyses of production processes with regard to microbial risks.
2. Develop protocols for producing extracts of organically grown herbs with enhanced microbial safety based on fermentation. Focus will be on optimisation of sensory properties and enhanced microbial safety.
3. Identify, select and test key process operations and parameters to improve the microbial safety of organic fermented sausages.
4. Document the microbial quality and survival of pathogenic bacteria in i) extracts of fermented and fresh herbs, and ii) fermented sausages produced by “new” recipe / process.
5. Evaluate sensory properties of herbal extracts and organically produced fermented sausage applying herbal ingredients and key strategies/parameters for high quality products with enhanced microbial safety.
6. Disseminate obtained knowledge between participants in the project, and to stakeholders throughout the organic food chain.

EPrint Type:Project description
Location:Matforsk AS
Oslovn. 1
N-1430 Aas
Keywords:Organic, herbs, fermented sausage, food safety, microbiology, fermentation
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Food systems
Research affiliation: Norway > Nofima (formerly Matforsk)
Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research
Research funders: Norway > RCN - Research Council of Norway
Norway > Other organizations Norway
Project ID:RCN project no. 176809
Start Date:1 September 2006
End Date:31 August 2009
Deposited By: Heir, Dr Even
ID Code:10069
Deposited On:29 Nov 2006
Last Modified:20 Aug 2009 14:35

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