eprintid: 6931 rev_number: 2 eprint_status: archive userid: 3416 dir: disk0/00/00/69/31 datestamp: 2006-01-30 lastmod: 2010-04-12 07:32:19 status_changed: 2009-08-20 14:29:49 type: journalp metadata_visibility: show item_issues_count: 0 doclang: en projects: a-uni-wien-boku-ifoel refereed: yes budget: 0 publicfulltext: TRUE creators_name: Vogl, C. R. creators_name: Vogl-Lukasser, B. title: Tradition, Dynamics and Sustainability of Plant Species Composition and Management in Homegardens on Organic and Non-Organic Small Scale Farms in Alpine Eastern Tyrol, Austria ispublished: pub subjects: 4plant keywords: homegardens, management, species, tradition, Tyrol abstract: In Eastern Tyrol (Austria), homegardens are an integral part of the farming system. The aim of this paper is to present evidence for the development of gardening in the study area and to identify differences/similarities between gardens at organic and non-organic farms. In 1997 and 1998, in homegardens on 91 organic and 105 non-organic farms from 12 communities, occurrence and abundance of cultivated plant species were surveyed and interviews were carried out about garden history, management and plant use. For the factor organic/non-organic, differences between gardens were statistically tested. Garden management is similar in organic/non-organic gardens, except mixed cropping and the use of alternative remedies to combat diseases, both with significantly higher occurrence on organic farms. Popular innovations from organic farming did not have a strong and clearly visible impact on management of homegardens. The population of cultivated plant species, until the 1960s approx. 51; nowadays approx. 587 species in all gardens, and main use of garden produce has been in a process of change with an increase in importance of species used as food and for decoration, but with no significant differences concerning organic/non-organic. 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