@misc{orgprints6181, title = {Selection of genotypes with high N-use efficiency, weed competition and allelopathy in breeding materials of wheat and barley for organic farming}, abstract = {The project is an implementation of new knowledge and methods obtained and developed in earlier SLF and SJFR projects. The methods based on hydroponic selection for N-use efficiency and weed competition and a bioassay for allelopathy selections have now been used in an on-going project for selection of new breeding lines in wheat and barley, to identify new gene sources for allelopathy and to improve the gene pools. The efforts will continue in the new project with special emphasis on allelopathy where the new gene sources will be used to improve weed competition in wheat. Parallel with traditional selection using the bioassay, gene markers will also be looked for. Effective markers will facilitate incorporations of genes from less adapted cultivars. In the on-going project several interesting breeding lines have been produced. These and new selected lines will be further evaluated in organic yield trials. The hydroponic screening is here an effective method to select the most interesting lines for organic production out of several hundred from the conventional breeding programme.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6181/}, keywords = {hydroponic selection N-use efficiency and weed competition} }