@misc{orgprints48080, title = {Health and welfare of organic livestock}, publisher = {Wageningen UR}, journal = {Research on organic agriculture in the Netherlands : organisation, methodology and results.}, year = {2009}, address = {Wageningen , NL}, author = {W. Sukkel and M. Hommes}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/48080/}, abstract = {Animal health and welfare are important principles of organic animal husbandry. In the Netherlands organic animal husbandry has proven to perform better than the conventional sector on many aspects of animal welfare. The Dutch organic animal husbandry sector has recognised animal health and welfare as crucial and maintains a strong focus on further improvement. Dutch scientists are working to advance the health and welfare of organically kept animals. Additionally, they focus on innovations and directly applicable solutions to specific problems concerning diseases and behaviour. This research is often carried out in close collaboration with farmers}, keywords = {dierenwelzijn (nl), animal welfare (en), diergezondheid (nl), animal health (en), biologische landbouw (nl), organic farming (en), varkenshouderij (nl), pig farming (en), melkveehouderij (nl), dairy farming (en), pluimveehouderij (nl), poultry farming (en), geitenhouderij (nl), goat keeping (en), huisvesting, dieren (nl), animal housing (en), diervoeding (nl), animal nutrition (en), agrarische bedrijfsvoering (nl), farm management (en), onderzoek (nl), research (en), 603-D Gezondheid en welzijn van dieren (nl), 603-D Animal Health and Welfare (en), 113-C-1 Ecologische landbouw (nl), 113-C-1 Organic Farming (en)} }