@inproceedings{orgprints3627, title = {Wie wirken "effektive Mikroorganismen" auf EM-Bokashi in der Bananenproduktion (Musa ssp.)?}, author = {B. Formowitz and F. Elango and S. Okumoto and A. Buerkert and T. M{\"u}ller}, year = {2005}, editor = {J He{\ss} and G Rahmann}, journal = {Ende der Nische, Beitr{\"a}ge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung {\"O}kologischer Landbau}, publisher = {kassel university press GmbH, Kassel}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/3627/}, abstract = {In Costa Rica, ?effective microorganisms? (EM) are used to produce organic fertiliser in the form of Bokashi. This study aimed at investigating the effects of EM addition on the decomposition of banana residues during Bokashi production in comparison to different non-EM control variants (Bokashi produced with: W= water, M= molasses as an EM additive, EMst= sterilized EM). Furthermore, the effects of the above mentioned Bokashi variants on the growth of young banana plants and their effects on the secondary root growth of adult banana plants were evaluated. In comparison to non-EM controls, no increasing effects of EM on the N-mineralization of banana material were observed. All nutrient concentrations were similar for all treatments as well as the weight loss of approximately 77.9 \%. The ergosterol concentration was significantly highest in EM Bokashi (77 ?g g-1 dry soil), whereas it was lowest in EMst (29 ?g g-1 dry soil). Application of all Bokashi variants significantly increased shoot growth of young banana plants under greenhouse conditions compared to a control grown in unamended soil. EM Bokashi and Bokashi produced with molasses significantly decreased the number of root nematodes under greenhouse conditions if compared to the control (nematodes per 100 g: C = 254; W = 143; EMst = 143; M = 67; EM = 38). Furthermore, EM Bokashi increased secondary root growth of adult banana plants in the field (186.7 g) compared to non-composted fresh banana leaves (134.6 g) and a control without mulch application (147 g). }, keywords = {Pflanzenern{\"a}hrung, Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Effektive Mikroorganismen, Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility, Tropics, Effective Microorganisms, Bokashi, Banana, composting} }