@misc{orgprints31127, title = {Crop management of linseed}, author = {Thomas Alf{\"o}ldi}, month = {June}, year = {2016}, keywords = {crop cultivation, oilseed crop, oil crops, crops, crop production, cropping systems, arable farming}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/31127/}, abstract = {What should you bear in mind to successfully cultivate linseed in terms of location, varieties, tillage, fertilisation, crop rotation, maintenance and harvesting? In particular, its low nutrient demand and the high market demand make linseed an interesting specialty crop for organic farms. Thomas Frei sums up his experience of having cultivated organic linseed for ten years. Hansueli Brasselsberg and Hans-Georg Kessler (Biofarm) and linseed producer Mischa Scherer provide further statements. The film was realised in Br{\"u}tten, Canton of Zurich, at the Swiss Bioackerbautag. The Bioackerbautag is an annual event in Switzerland including field visits, variety trials, information on cultivation and machinery demonstrations.} }