@misc{orgprints28903, author = {Nina Trandem and Catherine Baroffio and Michelle Fountain and Baiba Ralle and Paolo Rendina and Pauline Richoz and Lene Sigsgaard and Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson and David Hall and Jerry Cross and Atle Wibe}, title = {Using semiochemical traps to study the occurrence of strawberry blossom weevil in strawberry and raspberry ? what did we learn?}, pages = {93--94}, year = {2015}, volume = {109}, journal = {IOBC-WPRS Bulletin}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/28903/}, abstract = {This study has improved our understanding of the phenology of the three species, which is of key importance to determine the timing and positioning of traps. Lure duration is one of the bottlenecks in designing commercially viable insect traps for monitoring or mass trapping. Our results emphasize that traps intended for more than one species and region either need long-lasting lures to cover all possibilities, or detailed knowledge about local conditions (e.g. prevalence of pest and surrounding host plant species etc.) to apply lures at the right time} }