@book{orgprints25448, publisher = {Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)}, address = {CH-Frick}, series = {Technical Guide}, author = {Andi Schmid and Franco Weibel and Andi Haeseli}, title = {Creating a Dwarf-Tree Orchard. Organic Fruit Growing, Part 1}, year = {2005}, keywords = {Creating, Dwarf-Tree Orchard, Fruit-Growing, Department of Extension, Training and Communication}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/25448/}, abstract = {This technical report describes the various steps involved in the creation of an organic dwarf-tree orchard. It also illustrates how to tap into an orchard's ability to self-regulate by establishing habitats for beneficial fauna. In addition, it offers techniques to encourage tree development and simplify maintenance. } }