@inproceedings{orgprints14907, journal = {9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch {\"u}ber Forschungsergebnisse zum {\"O}kologischen Obstbau. Beitr{\"a}ge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany}, pages = {87--90}, author = {C.K. Iversen and H. Lindhard Pedersen and K. Brandt}, title = {Phenolic compounds and disease resistance of 5 blackcurrant varieties in an organic growing system}, editor = {Markus Boos}, year = {2000}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14907/}, abstract = {The field resistance and the concentration of phenolic compounds of five black currant varieties grown under organic conditions were compared. Significant differences between varieties were seen for all of seven quantified hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. The variety 'Intercontinental' clearly contained the highest level of hydroxycinnamic acid esters and at the same time was the most resistant variety. There seems to be a connection between the content of a caffeoyl-di-quinic acid ester and coumaryl-quinic acid ester and disease resistance under field conditions. The effect of four different growing conditions was much less evident. Analysis of the content of these phenolic acids might be a tool to help choosing the disease resistant varieties that are suitable for organic growing.} }