%I Bio-Dynamics Tasmania Inc %P 37-41 %T Rachel Carson, a Voice for Organics - the First Hundred Years %V 86 %X Rachel Carson has been described as "an early supporter of organic farming". Publishing in 1962, she awoke a generation past, to the false promises of the “war on weeds”, the “war against the insects” and “better living through chemistry”. Carson wrote to a friend: “there would be no peace for me if I kept silent”. She asked the world to consider: “Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?”. Carson has been described by TIME Magazine as one of “the 100 most influential people of the 20th century” and her book has been described as “the most influential book of the past 50 years”- yet on the occasion of the centenary of her birth, the author found that university students had "no idea" who she was, or what was "Silent Spring". %L orgprints10961 %E Rodney Le Lievre %A John Paull %J Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania %D 2007 %K Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, DDT, organic farming, agriculture, pesticides, EPA, Africa.