Willer, Helga and Meier, Urs (Eds.) (2000) Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau (SÖL), SÖL-Sonderausgabe, no. Nr. 77. Proceedings of 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, Convention Center Basel, 25 and 26 August 2000.
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Document available online at: http://www.soel.de/inhalte/publikationen/s_77.pdf
Summary in the original language of the document
The 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, held in Basel, Switzerland from the 25th to 26th of August 2000 in conjunction with the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, was organised by the Swiss Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau
(FiBL), together with Schweizerischer Bioweinbauverein Biovin Suisse, Ecovin and Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau (SÖL).
The Congress had as its theme “Organic Viticulture - Quality, the key factor to success” and the importance of variety choice, soil management, plant protection and biodiversity for organic wine quality were discussed at this congress. An overview of organic viticulture world-wide was also given.
The 6th International Organic Viticulture Congress in Basel is in the tradition of the organic viticulture congresses, the first of which was held in 1985 in Geisenheim (D), organised by the German organic wine growers’ association Ecovin. At this congress, the German standards for the production of organic grapes, grape juice, wine and champagne were launched. The 4th congress in Würzburg 1994 dealt with marketing, market development and the labelling of organic wine. The fifth congress, held in Bad Dürkheim 1995, was the first one to be organised by all German organic producer organisations
and by Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau, and it was also the first international organic viticulture congress. It dealt with questions of soil management and wine quality as well
as farm management aspects. The proceedings of the 3rd, 4th and 5th conference were published by Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau.
Vorwort Preface
Preface of the Editors
Session 01 - Marketing Opportunities and Consumer Expectations
Chair: Randolf Kauer and Paulin Köpfer
Biowein: Chancen der Vermarktung
Thomas Vaterlaus
Session 02 - Organic Viticulture World-Wide
Chair: Helga Willer
Organic Viticulture World-Wide
Bernward Geier Uwe Hofmann, Helga Willer
Organic Viticulture in Europe
Helga Willer & Raffaele Zanoli
Organic Viticulture in Austria
Eva Schinnerl
Organic Viticulture in Croatia
Jasminka Karoglan Kontic, Sonja Karoglan Todorovic, Ranko Tadic
Ökologischer Weinbau in der Tschechischen Republik
Jiri Sedlo
Organic Viticulture in the Czech Republic
Jiri Sedlo
Organic Viticulture in France
Monique Jonis
Organic Viticulture in Italy
C Bazzocchi, S Tellarini, R Zanoli
Organic Viticulture in Georgia
Tamaz Tourmanidze
Ökologischer Weinbau in Deutschland
Paulin Köpfer und Eva Gehr
Organic Viticulture in Germany
Paulin Köpfer und Eva Gehr
Organic Viticulture in Greece
Marios Dessyllas
Ökoweinbau in Ungarn
L Szõke, K Németh- J Mikulás
Plant Protection in Organic Viticulture in New Zealand
Andreas Welte
Organic Viticulture in Portugal
Ana Firmino
Developments in Organic Viticulture in South Africa
Rupert van der Merwe
Bioweinbau in der Schweiz
Andreas Häseli
Organic Viticulture in Switzerland
Andreas Häseli
Organic Viticulture in Turkey
Ahmet Altýndiºli
Traditional Viticulture in Southern East Anatolia:
A case study for Siirt, Turkey
ÝYýldýrým and ENYardým
Session 03 - Soil Management – Care and Quality
Chair: Uwe Hofman
Comparisons of Chemical Analysis and Biological Activity of Soils Cultivated by Organic and Biodynamic Methods
Claude Bourguignon and Lydia Gabucci
Function of the Soil in the Expression of the "Terroir"
Claude Bourguignon and Lydia Gabbucci
Cover Cropping in California Vineyards: Part of a Biologically Integrated
Farming System
Robert L Bugg, Richard W Hoenisch
Plant Biodiversity and Biological Control of Insect Pests in a Northern California Organic Vineyard
Clara I Nicholls and Miguel A Altieri
Standortgerechte Bodenpflege und die Vitalität und Bonität im Wein- und Obstbau
Franz Solar
Role of Nature in Soil Management and Quality
Anjani Suchde, Deepak Suchde
The Use of Recycled Organics Compost in Viticulture- A review of theinternational literature and experience -
Johannes Biala
Biological Activity of Upper Vaucluse Soils
Marc Duplan, François Warlop
Dry Stone Walls in Switzerland
Martin Lutz, Theodor Schmidt, Gerhard Stoll
Soil Microbial Biomass and Soil Quality in Vineyards
Stephan Reuter and Roland Kubiak
Session 04 - Plant Protection and Quality - New Findings and Future Hazards
Chair: Lucius Tamm
Principles for Managing the Foliage Diseases of Grapevine with low Input of Pesticides
PA Magarey, RD Magarey and RW Emmett
Management of Major Arthropod Pests in Organic Viticulture
S Kreiter
Biodiversity of Phytoseiid Mites and Outbreaks of Tetranychid Mites in Vineyards with Different Protection Management
G Bigot and P Zandigiacomo
Efficacy Evaluation of Different Low-rate Copper Formulations and Acupric Compounds Against Grapevine Downy Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in Piedmont (Northwestern
Italy) During the Period -
D Ferrari, E Bassignana and G Pensabene
Contributions to Environmentally Safe Plant Protection Systems in Grapevine Cultivation
Dr B Fischer-Trimborn, Prof Dr HC Weltzien, Dr G Schruft
Kupferminimierung und Einsatz von Tonerden zur
Peronosporabekämpfung im ökologischen Weinbau
Dr Uwe Hofmann
Plant Protection Strategies Against Downy Mildew in Organic Viticulture Copper Reduction and Copper Replacement - Results and Experiences of Years on Farm Research
Dr Uwe Hofmann
Investigations on the Effect of Extremely Low Copper Doses
and Different Copper Formulations
W K Kast
Salicylic and Phosphorous Acid – Possible Alternative of Copper?
W K Kast
Organic Viticulture Without Sulfur? Years of Experience With Sodiumand Potassiumbicarbonate
RKauer , BGaubatz , MWöhrle , UKornitzer , HRSchultz , BKirchner
Reduced Root Damage in Organically Managed Phylloxera-Infested Vineyards in California
Donald W Lotter, PhD
Controlling Vine Powdery and Downy Mildews with the Urticum Preparation
V Robotić, R Bosančíć and M Mojić
Side Effect of Pesticides Used in Organic Viticulture and Based on Copper, Sulphur and Bacillus thuringiensis on the Populations of the Predatory mite Phytoseius finitimus
IC Rumbos, PPapaioannou-Souliotis, I Adamopoulos and D Markoyiannaki- Printzioy
Use of weather stations in organic viticulture
L Tamm, A Häseli, and D Levite
Session 05 - Varietes for Organic Viticulture an Quality
Chair: Pierre Basler
Pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebenneuzuchten -Ein möglicher Beitrag zum umweltschonenden Weinbau
Dr Norbert Becker
The Development of Interspecific Grapevine Hybrids in Ontario, Canada
K Helen Fisher
Gegen Pilzkrankheiten resistente Traubensorten und ihre Qualität
Hajdu, E, - Ésik, E, - Borbás, É, - Pernesz, Gy
Testage et sélection de cépages résistants
Groupe suisse pour la sélection de variétés résistantes aux maladies (not available in the internet version)
Results From new Fungus-tolerant Grapevine Varieties for Organic Viticulture
A L Schwab, R Knott and W Schottdorf
Neue Rebsorten und Sortenkandidaten im umweltschonenden Weinbau
L Szőke, P Kozma und K Németh
The Autochthon Grape ”Shesh” and the Potential for Organic Wine
Zigori Vangjel and Zigori Klod
Session 06 - Determining Wine Quality
Chair: Norbert Drescher
Quality of Organic Wines
Nicolas Joly
Quality is More Than Actual Natural Sciences can Define
Hartmut Heilmann
Verknüpfung von Tradition und Moderne im ökologischen Weinbau am Beispiel des Mondes - Praktische Umsetzung von längst genutzten sowie neueren wissenschaftlichen Parametern
Frank E Neufing
Production of Wine Without Sulphur Dioxide Using Appropriate Processing Technology
Franco Battistutta, Emilio Celotti, Roberto Zironi
Differentiation of Wines Produced by Organic or Conventional Viticulture
According to Their Sensory Profiles and Aroma Composition
Isabelle Dupin; Pascal Schlich; Ulrich Fischer
Öko-Weine elektrochemisch betrachtet
Hoffmann, M
Novel Methods to Characterise Wine Quality -Examinations with Wines from Exact Field Experiments (Organic Viticulture – Integrated Viticulture)
RKauer , HRSchultz , JBolanz
Preliminary Results on Contents of Resveratrol in Wine of Organic and Conventional Vineyards
D Levite, M Adrian and L Tamm
Conference proceedings of the Organic Viticulture Congresses
Sponsors, Steering Committee, Club of Chairpersons,
Task Force Wine Tasting
Summary translation
EPrint Type: | Proceedings |
Keywords: | Wine, Viticulture, Plant Protection, Soil, Quality, Soil quality, Fungus Resistance, Varieties, Vinification, Bioweinbau |
Subjects: | Crop husbandry > Production systems > Fruit and berries > Viticulture |
Research affiliation: | Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Special crops > Winegrowing |
Related Links: | http://www.soel.de/publikationen/s/s_77_wz.html, http://www.fibl.ch/forschung/anbautechnik-mehrjaehrig/weinbau.php |
Deposited By: | Willer, Dr. Helga |
ID Code: | 548 |
Deposited On: | 11 Mar 2003 |
Last Modified: | 22 May 2020 11:10 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
Additional Publishing Information: | Tagungband des 6. ökologischen Weinbaukongresses |
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