DARCOF > Events

Communication & events

An important aim for DARCOF is to support communication between researchers and research users, especially farmers. DARCOF also seeks to facilitate activities, which support collaboration within research - nationally and internationally.

The Danish Organic Congress
Every second year we participate in the organization of the Danish Organic Congress. The purpose of the Congress is to take stock and set new goals for the Danish organic movement. It is directed to all working with organic farming and organic food production

Field walks
Since 1999 "organic field walks" have been organised each summer, where interested groups are invited to visit the organic workshop sites, crop rotation trials, and the research farms at Rugballegaard and KVL. On the sites researchers have prepared information and talks on the research that takes place here. There is also room for discussing the findings, the methods and the relevance of the research.

Theme days
Theme days on chosen subjects are intended to discuss current research and research requirements with an audience of researchers, advisors and farmers. Recent theme days have dealt with pig production, production of fruit and vegetables, processing of milk, breeding of wheat, and egg production.

Public workshops
Public workshops are often organised in connection with knowledge syntheses as an element in the preparation of new research projects. For example, public workshops were held in relation to knowledge syntheses on pig production and nature quality in organic farming.

International meetings
DARCOF facilitate or support international workshops, seminars, colloquiums etc. The meetings are hold by the DARCOF or by individual research groups. Among others, meetings on crop rotations, animal husbandry and recycling have been hold.


At the moment, no English language events are planned under the auspice of DARCOF


Ökologischer Landbau
der Zukunft
7. Wissenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Landbau, Februar 2003

Reconciling holism and reductionism
Scientific conference at the Lois Bolk Institute, NL
May 2003


