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Here is a definition of some of the special terms and concepts we use in Organic Eprints. Please, contact the administrator at eprints@orgprints.org if you discover additional terms that need an explanation.

An electronic document with metadata, e.g. a research article. The document can be any draft in the review process, i.e. a preprint (before review), a postprint (after review) or it can be a reprint (after publication). It can also be other types of documents, e.g. conference papers and posters, theses, reports, books and book chapters, newspaper or magazine articles, web products, videos, project descriptions, and other published or unpublished documents. More than one document can be deposited in the same eprint.
Metadata is information about the document in the eprint such as title, author, year, publication, pages etc. Metadata also includes information used to search the eprints such as keywords, subjects, research affiliation etc.
The Organic Eprints archive is the collection of eprints. An archive is often also called a repository. An archive or repository means that the documents in the eprints are there and can be downloaded, as opposed to a bibliographic database where only the metadata of the document can be found.
Synonymous to Archive
To deposit
To deposit an eprint means to submit it for acceptance to the archive. An eprint can be in four different stages during its existence in the archive. The stages are: Draft eprint, Under review, in the Public archive and Retired (see further description of these stages).
The person who deposits an eprint. The depositor is normally one of the authors and the depositing is done in accordance with the deposit agreements of Organic Eprints. In order to become a depositor the user must first create an account. After login the user gets access to the Manage eprints area in the menu, where a new eprint can be created and the review process of existing eprints can be followed in the various stages.
Manage eprints
The depositor enters relevant information and metadata about the eprint. The eprint remains as a draft eprint in the Manage eprints area until the depositor decides to deposit it by clicking the "Deposit eprint Now" button. As a Draft eprint the eprint is only visible to the depositor and editor. When the depositor deposits the eprint it is transferred to the Under review stage. If the depositor clicks the "Remove eprint" button, the eprint disappears from the archive forever.
Under review
Eprints in the Under review stage are being reviewed by an editor. In this stage the eprint is only visible to the editor and the depositor, but cannot be edited by the depositor. If the editor accepts the eprint it is moved to the Public archive stage, otherwise it is returned as a Draft eprint to the Manage eprints area, where the depositor can make any revisions requested by the editor.
Public archive
When an eprint has been accepted by an editor it is transferred to the Public archive, where it is visible to all users. For eprints where the depositor has selected restricted access, only the metadata can be seen, the document cannot be opened or downloaded. Restricted eprints come with the option for interested users to request a copy of the document. More about restricted access and copyright here...
Removal of eprints from the public archive is strongly discouraged, but will be granted upon request. Once removed, the eprint can still be seen by the depositor and used to make a new version or as a template for a new eprint. We encourage to make a new version instead of removing eprints.