{Project} QLIF-WP45: Entwicklung betriebs- und regionalspezifischer Strategien zur Eutergesundheit im Biolandbau (EU-Project Quality Low Input Food). [Development of farm and local specific strategies for udder health in organic farming (EU-Project Quality Low Input Food).] Runs 2003 - 2008. Project Leader(s): Klocke, Peter, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .
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Document available online at: http://www.qlif.org
Summary in the original language of the document
Organic regulations claim that animal health should be assured by a cascade of measures, namely breeding (long-term), management & prevention (medium-term), and complementary medicine (short-term), before conventional medicine can be applied, exceptionally. However, effective alternative methods for mastitis control in dairy cows are not used generally, and herd health management to improve udder health is not implemented in most of organic dairy farms. The lack of a wide spread network of skilled veterinarians is an additional factor, which strengthens the situation dramatically. Only if a suitable animal health assurance system in organic farms is implemented in general, the udder health of organic cows and in consequence the quality of organic milk leads to a well accepted status in contrary to the situation.
Project aims:
• To analyse the main factors influencing udder health in organic dairy farms
• To evaluate the efficacy of complementary mastitis treatments
• To establish an intervention framework for farmers, vets and advisors in organic dairy farms
• epidemiological factor analysis
• clinical trials (placebo controlled random trials)
Summary translation
Involved organisations, project partners:
Granarolo, Bologna, Italy
Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, The Netherlands
Barkema, H.W.; Schukken, Y.N.; Lam, T.J.G.M.; Beiboer, M.L.; Benedictus, G.; Brand, A.
(1999): Management practices associated with the incidence rate of clinical mastitis. J Dairy Sci, 82: 1655-1663.
Busato, A.; Trachsel, P.; Schällibaum, M.; Blum, J.W. (2000): Udder health and risk factors for subclinical mastitis in organic dairy farms in Switzerland. Prev. Vet. Medicine 44 (2000):205- 220.
Fehlings, K.; Deneke, J. (2000): Mastitisproblematik in Betrieben mit ökologischer Rinderhaltung. Tierärztl. Prax. 200;28:104-109.
Hamann, J. ; Fehlings, K. (2002): Leitlinien zur Bekämpfung der Mastitis des Rindes als Bestandesproblem. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG), Sachverständigenausschuss subklinische Mastitis.
Hamann, J.; Fehlings, K. (2003): Zur Ökonomie der Mastitistherapie. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG), Tagung des Arbeitskreises Eutergesundheit p 150-163.
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